Collection: PRE-SALE CUSTOM STRIPES - Until March 20


The well-loved striped zipper tape is getting matching webbing, and is being turned into a rainbow! 
All of these webbing colours match existing striped and solid zipper tape! 

The early bird price is 30% less than retail, no code required.
You can add retail products, and the pre-sale custom pulls to your order, as often as you want between now and when these arrive to AFA HQ, to save on shipping. 

To keep costs down, I am having these ship by sea instead of air.  ETA to AFA HQ is approximately 8 weeks, which brings us to mid-May.  Please notice that I said approximately! I will keep you updated along the way, but be aware that sometimes shipping delays happen - mostly at the customs clearance part of the journey.  If you're patient and love a good deal, then order all the webbing!   <3